Tuesday, October 5, 2010


“Loser!” they hooted, when they passed me.
Not in words— but eyes, half-smiles n wry looks.
I glance back at them- asking, “Why?”
I lost something, yes, but actually was saved from losing myself.
And yet they call me loser?
Losing is not a loss if you’d actually lost a loser...
Who will explain that to them!
“Losers!” I smirk within.


  1. i really like dis 'Losing is not a loss if you’d actually lost a loser..'
    dats d way 2 go...................gr8!

  2. “Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.”

  3. @ da- thank u! :)
    it took me some months to feel this way... but finally am here :)

  4. Lyrical Micro-fiction. Like it very much. :)

  5. They lose a part of themselves who brand others a loser, feeling snug in their cocoon of superiority
    they choose to ignore their own shortcomings, preferring to cast a downward glance at one and all.

    Loved all your poems.......you really have an amazing talent to express feelings through verses!!!
